Resinous Flooring
Heavy-duty Resin-Encapsulated Seamless Aggregate floor systems have been specified by architects and designers in hospitals, commercial kitchens and industrial applications for years. The durability and performance characteristics are second to none. While we specialize in commercial installations, we also offer some quite beautiful options for this type of flooring in your residential kitchens, bathrooms and garage spaces. We can recommend a designer or work with your designer to ensure that your kitchen and bathroom achieve the perfect combination of performance and aesthetics.

Our commercial-grade concrete floor coating systems are available in urethane, polyurea and epoxy resins. They can be applied as a thin-film or resin-encapsulated seamless aggregate build.

Color options for resinous thin-films are usually quite limited, however, we offer custom options which open up a new palette of colors and styles.

One of the advantages of our RESA series coating systems is the ability to incorporate a seamless, integrated, radiused cove base to your existing walls. In some applications, this may be required by municipal regulations. It should be a serious consideration in any working environment which requires regular, heavy cleaning or in areas where water spillage and slope to drains are factors.

To discuss details of available options and the appropriate applications for each, please contact one of our representatives and it would be our pleasure to help you identify the best product for your intended use.

Commercial coatings should be scheduled at least three weeks in advance, but 45 days is preferable due to shipping times for product. Deposits must be received seven days prior to scheduled start date unless prior arrangements have been made. Time to completion can vary based on weather, site accessibility, available power and work performed by other trades. For residential projects which are 1200 square feet or less scheduled to start post-framing, you should plan for 4 to 6 working days to completion. Expedited scheduling and completion times can be arranged at additional cost.
Custom samples and on-site mock-ups can be made available, but will generally require an additional week of time to complete and review, and may incur additional charges.
Finish Options
Thin-Film Systems
Epoxy: Resinous epoxy products are widely known for their high-build characteristics. The advantage of added thickness (measured in mils) is that the coating is less likely to wear through to the substrate below. Additionally, resinous epoxy thin-films typically self-level to a degree and cure to a high-gloss finish. Abrasion from normal traffic, however, will quickly diminish the gloss even though the coating still remains fully intact. Epoxy resins are subject to substantial color degradation when exposed to long-term UV light. We do offer UV-resistant resins to help combat this issue.
Urethane: Urethane resins are placed at a much lower rate of millage (thickness) than epoxies. They cannot typically be applied at high-build levels without curing failures. Very little self-leveling takes place with urethane resins. However, urethanes are much more resistant to abrasion than epoxies. Additionally, urethanes are somewhat more tolerant of moisture vapor emissions and abrasion from traffic.
RESA Systems
Resin Encapsulated Seamless Aggregate systems utilize a resinous material to "capture" some type of aggregate in order to increase the build, strength, and durability of the floor coating as well as to enhance the aesthetic properties and skid-resistance.
Epoxy Resin: Most high-build RESA floors systems use 100% epoxy as the binder. Epoxies offer longer set times, which means they are relatively easy to apply. Additionally, epoxies have very little odor and usually no VOCs.
Urethane Resin: Urethane resins are ideal where faster cure times are critical, or where a greater tolerance for Moisture Vapor Emission is a consideration.
Polyurea Resin: Polyurea resins have some characteristics of both epoxies and urethanes, which results in high-build yet highly abrasion-resistant finishes. Cost and workability are often disadvantages to this type of resin however.
Vinyl Chip Aggregate: One of the most common aggregates used for RESA flooring systems is vinyl chips, or Flakes. The virtually-unlimited palette of colors available combined with chip size options result in numerous different looks and performance characteristics. Chip colors can be mono-chromatic or blends of different colors. The finished surface is moderately-textured yet easy to clean. Another significant and unique advantage of a chip-based system is that later repairs and modifications can be made virtually invisible.
Quartz Aggregate: colored quartz aggregate has become an industry-wide standard for RESA flooring systems in hospitals and municipal public facilities across the united states. The compressive strength of quartz is very high, color options are endless, and skid-resistance can be controlled via the type of granule used in combination with the amount of clear resin applied as a topcoat. This type of aggregate also allows for vertical applications such as integrated cove base.